The first few weeks after filming were spent in anticipation of the programme being released. We had no idea when it would be shown, just that we would get a few days notice by email.
Liz: I was nervous about the programme and my mind was working overtime at night, imagining things that may or may not make the cut, and if we would look boring, stupid, fat etc. As the weeks passed we started to relax, and eventually to forget about it. The telling of the story about filming in Scotland was shared many times and been endlessly entertaining, but even that quietened down. And then suddenly, mid-November, an episode flashed up from Argyll and Bute with Sonali and we thought, crikey - this is it, with no warning! But when we pressed play it wasn't us, another couple had beaten us to it - it was a good episode. I wondered whether it was shown then as it was around St Andrew's day.
John: I don't really mind making a fool of myself from time to time, so I genuinely wasn't stressed about how we may get portrayed in the final cut. Whatever it was, it couldn't be more embarrassing than some of the things I've done in my life and the prospect of it being seen by thousands of folks, most of whom I didn't know, didn't get my anxiety levels up.
And then, mid-January, the email came through to say 23rd January was the date (possibly as it was around Burn's Night). There was the little photo of Sonali on BBC iPlayer, a week away, starting the countdown to airing. We notified a few friends and family and then two days before airing we put the news out on this blog.
Liz: On the day I anxiously worked through the morning, waiting for 3pm to come round, not mentioning anything in the office. When I logged onto Instagram at lunchtime I was surprised to see myself walking into the kitchen of our new home, followed by John and a soundbite to advertise the upcoming episode - a matter of hours away!
When 3pm came round I put my headphones on and tuned into to BBC1 to watch the show. I missed a few minutes due to work interruptions, but by halfway though the episode I knew it was alright and I was safe to watch it again with John and Amber in the evening, and not be embarrassed. And during the show the blog website and Instagram notifications were pinging away - the minor fame had begun, and even Lucy the cat got her close up featured!
John: I was working on that day and I had planned to hold back from watching and catch-up later as a family, but I couldn't help having the episode on in the background on mute whilst I was working from home. I was on a few Teams calls during the screening and my furtive eye glances to the right and smile on my face gave me away several times, but everyone understood why my curiosity got the best of me. A few colleagues watched live, and the next morning (although we did not know) the show was repeated on BBC2 at 8am, and some surprised colleagues woke up to me (and Liz) over their toast and tea (how anyone has time to watch TV at 8am though is a bit beyond me!)
We even got a phone call a couple of weeks later from one of the team to say how much she enjoyed our episode, ask us how we were getting on and to say Sonali would be on Morning Live the next day and our episode would be mentioned. She even thought our episode would be 'oft-repeated' as it was so good! Sure enough our faces flashed by the next morning, but no speaking parts this time.
Liz: As John and I watched together in the evening our phones were pinging away from friends doing the same and asking questions or letting us know they were watching, and saying that we were coming across well, or that it was a great episode. Amber chose to watch it without us (not sure whether alone or with her friends), and decided that 'it wasn't as bad as she expected'! High praise indeed. Charlotte thought it was 'cute'.
Advice - if you're ever on TV, don't go on social media! Against my better judgement I checked out what was going on on Twitter, not that I care what people say really. Thankfully there were only a couple of people making very unimaginative comments - so what?!
We were disappointed that the porch hadn't been replaced, which meant the front of the house didn't look great in the programme. And, John says he looked fat in one scene, but I think he has some strong competition!
John: Well, it's out there now, judge it as you will and we will be forever in the iPlayer bank for catch-up on demand! It couldn't have been a better representation of us so I guess I was relieved. The houses came across well, but in my heart I felt that although Clacheranmor came across well, it didn't do it full justice. That's no complaint to the production crew and probably my bias - but why not come and see for yourself and judge! We can't wait to invite everyone to share it.
Liz: Sadly they cut out the joke I made about John needing a bungalow because he was old.
Here's a link to the programme on iPlayer for as long as they keep it on there.